Thursday, August 31, 2006

Apple Launches New Site for Open Source

Mac OS Forge dedicated to projects focused on Mac OS X.

Mac OS Forge, a new community development site hosted by Apple, was recently launched to support Web Kit and other open source projects focused on Mac OS X. In addition, developers can create and browse third-party open source projects that are closely related to the Macintosh operating system. Current projects on Mac OS Forge include source code to the new iCal Server in Leopard Server, and Apache-licensed versions of Bonjour service discovery and Launchd process management.

While select projects in Mac OS X are featured on Mac OS Forge, a complete set of open source software within Mac OS X can be found by visiting the Apple Developer Connection.

Taken form the Apple Developer Connection newsletter

Monday, August 28, 2006

Sunrise - Norah Jones

I really listen to this Song a lot

Saturday, August 26, 2006

قصيدة لمظفر النواب مهداة إلى لبنان

من دمشق التي يعاني فيها مظفر النواب سكرات الموت كما ذكر الشاعر احمد فؤاد نجم في حديثه لمحطة الجزيرة قبل ايام جاءت اخر قصيدة لمظفر من سرير المرض ... القصيدة مهداة الى لبنان وفيها يقول:

كهرمان ... يا كهرمان
الوطن المتساوي الأضلاع
رجسٌ لن يقبله منذ الآن ... الأمريكان
كهرمان ... يا كهرمان
في يوم واحد تتناقص ثلاثة بلدان
طهرانٌ تقضم من كبد البصرة
ومن إبطيها تُسحل غزة
وعلى “ أربعة عشر “ صليباً يتخوزق لبنان
كهرمان ... يا كهرمان
هل علم فلسطين هو الممنوع
وتزدحم بأعلام ( الفيفا ) بلادي
وبأعلام الألمان
في غزة يتوالى القصف
والبلدان العربية
تبذل أقصى طاقتها
من جُمل “ التنديد
وعبارات “ العطف
هذا يستغرب “ الاستخدام المفرط للقوة
وآخر يدعو الشقيقة اسرائيل لضبط النفس
والثالث يخشى من دورة عنف
والرابع يُرسل أرخص انواع البطانيات
لتحمي القتلى
من” أمطار الصيف
في القاهرة اجتمع الوزراء
الحمد لله لم يتأخر منهم واحدْ
(هذا أكبر إنجاز في هذا الظرف)
قال عمرو موسى
استطعنا أن نجمعهم على رأي واحد
من أفتى للشيخ حسن أن يخرق إجماع الأمة
ويشقّ الصفّ ؟
وفي تونس كاميرات صُنعت خصيصاً للمسجد
تحصي شعرات اللحية
وتحفظ دعوات المغرب
وتؤرشف أسماء العُبّاد
تساعد الملكين على الكتفين
وتتدخل أيضا لو أن محجبةً مرت من تحت الشباك
هذا بلدٌ منفتحٌ لا يسمح أن يسكنه النُسّاك
في “ السوليدير
لجنة تحقيق تنبش تحت” الإسفلت
وشاليهات السُيّاح
من وضع “ الديناميت
ومن أشعله بسيارات “ الموكب “؟
الولد الفذ
لن يتسامح
حتى لو ورث “ المستقبل
و” آذار
وما ترك “ الجمّال
الجد “ في “ جدة “ لا يسمح
والولد الشاطر يسمع آراء العُــقّال
كهرمان ... يا كهرمان
من يحمي الآن الخرفان
إن كان الذئب صديقاً
وهو الآمر والناهي
في هذا البستان ؟
والشيخة “عكا “ في المستشفى
بدأت تفتح عينيها
من يعرف ، في هذا القصف ،
إن كانت تتذكر أبويها ؟
ارشقها بالبحر يا “ حج حسن
بالرعب فقط ... تسقط آثار الرعب
على قدميها
من يتذكر في هذي الأيام
صواريخ “ الفاكهاني
وحصار “ الشيّاح
لم ينتحر الثوار كما اقتضت المصلحة الليبية
فمن منكم يعرف
ماذا يفعل في هذي الليلة سُلطان عُمان ؟
يا سيدي حسن
يا سْيدي ... في جُبّتك الخوف أمان
يتلفّع “ نصر الله “ إذا جاء
بآيات القرآن
هذا الفتح الـــ ... من عند الله ومن “ مارون الراس
لا من عند “ الأمريكان
فسبح بحمد ربك
لن تبقى “ حيفا “ هادئة
بعد الآن

Monday, August 07, 2006

What IF?

Well let's start by that History doesn't understand the question what if, like what if I didn't quit from my previous company, what if I didn't drink coffee this morning, what if I studied more before I went to the test, or what if the USSR didn't collapse? well things already happened, end of story.
Or how about the answer, the world wouldn't be the same, how not the same? this question has no answer. History has one dimension, and one Trend.
Well, this gets us to another topic, REGRET, e.g. I regret that I quited my previous work, oh really, and what did this made you, nothing, a better sentence would be, By quitting my previous work, I learned that I should appreciate the things I have, I'm not trying to be this positive guy, but it's a fact regret wont do you a thing, why?, cause things already happened, and you can't change them.
Everybody have done mistakes in his life, shouldn't they regret it? of course not, things that happened in your life made you who you are today, they taught you, they shaped you.
Now, lets assume that you can go back in history, you've built (or bought) your time machine, and you want to go back in history to change the mistakes you made, well the first thing is that this history is your future not your history, cause you've already done that (stupid ha?!), so if you want to go back in history, you should loose everything you took from that time till now, how is that, it's that you didn't gain any experience from what happened from the moment your going back to, till this moment, i.e. you don't have the conclusion that you should regret this thing, so you are going to do the same mistake again, and regret it once again.
OK, so I've done a mistake what should I do? well at first, if you are really convinced that it's a mistake, try to fix it, usually you wouldn't be able to, cause that is what regret is in the first place, OK now what?, LEARN from it. and stop crying like a baby, regret wont do you nothing.
Another Topic Pops up here, if I where in your place I would've done ..., stop the crap, the first thing you are not me, that's a fact, secondly if you were me you won't be in the exact same situation I were in, cause you where in another situation, that's history dude, OK what does that concludes us to ..., Everybody is the best to be himself, i.e. I'm the best man to be me, I don't mean that there aren't people better than me (although there are not :P kidding), better is a relational word, someone is better than some one in something specific, i.e. I'm better that the secretary in writing code, and for someone to be himself, nobody is better him.

Another Piece Of My Crap