Sunday, April 16, 2006

Our Slavery in the 21st Century

"Finish it by the date, and you will all get a big bonus" he said. Poison was written all over these words, we knew that it was impossible, but we had hope, we all needed that money so bad to do all what it takes to do it.
The last days were like living in HELL, no sleep, no life, nothing but work. and all those obstacles were thrown in our way, we tried to pass them all, we wanted to finish it, but now it's over, and it's all our fault.
Well, I'm not going to blame anybody but myself, I won't gamble on my life again. I remember in the hours of the dawn yesterday, when all hope was gone, the only thing that I wanted is to throw everything and to go home, but when I looked in your eyes, with the hope is still in them, I knew I've been a source of depression for you, but the only thing that kept me was you, I didn't give a shit about that stupid bonus, I wanted to go on for you guys.
You know, when I take a positive look on what happened, the only thing that I see is that we were a team, and a hell of a team we were, we've held each other when we were down, we helped each other in every possible way, well thank you guys, I've never felt that I've been in a team, as much as I felt it with you, thanks.
In the end, I'm just down, I'm feeling so f****** down.

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